Understanding Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD): Causes, Stages, and Management

When you have concerns about chronic kidney disease, known as CKD, you can count on the entire staff of skilled providers at Iowa Kidney Physicians to give you the personalized professional care you require. In addition to Des Monies, IA, we have an office in West Des Moines, IA, and serve our rural patients through numerous outreach clinics.

Causes of Chronic Kidney Disease

 Chronic kidney disease can happen to anyone of any age at any time. For many people, there is not a single cause for kidney disease. There can be a hereditary factor for chronic kidney disease. Most often, the cause is diabetes or high blood pressure. Both of these conditions can damage the kidneys. It can also be a result of obesity or just being over 60 years of age. When a condition that damages the kidneys has caused a loss of function for over three months, it is considered chronic. 

Stages of Chronic Kidney Disease

 There are five stages of chronic kidney disease. The stages identify the kidneys’ level of function. The higher the stage, the less functioning the kidneys. The measure of function is the eGFR (glomerular filtration rate). 

  • Stage 1: Your normal eGFR is 90 or above, and you have mild damage to the kidney, probably with no symptoms. 
  • Stage 2: Your normal eGFR is between 60 and 89. You have mild damage, but your kidneys still work well. 
  • Stage 3: Your normal eGFR is between 30 and 59; at the lower end, there is moderate damage and loss of function. 
  • Stage 4: Your normal eGFR is 15-29, and there is severe kidney damage, and they are close to failure. 
  • Stage 5: Your normal eGFR is lower than 15, and the kidneys are close to or have already failed. 

Management of Chronic Kidney Disease

 Managing your CKD in Des Moines and West Des Moines, IA is vital to your future health. When you have other health conditions, such as high blood pressure or diabetes, you must keep them under control. You also need to make sure that you work with your healthcare provider to manage your condition. Maintaining a healthy weight, exercising, not smoking, and talking to a dietitian about healthy eating are all important. Make sure to take your medication as directed and that you are getting enough sleep. Stress is bad for kidney disease, and learning to manage it is essential to your maintenance. 

Contact Us Today

If you suffer from CKD in Des Moines and West Des Moines, IA, contact our experienced team of physicians at Iowa Kidney Physicians. Call our office at (515) 336-6557 to make an appointment today.